There is a lot to do, and we need your help in a number of ways:
1) Follow us on Twitter, at @PropOrNot, or on Facebook.
2) Volunteer to help hunt down other Russian propaganda outlets by sending an email to (our domain), or reaching out to us on Twitter.
3) If you use Reddit, stop by and join in!
4) Share this site,, on social media, along with your commentary and suggestions.
5) Be part of the YYYcampaignYYY! Use YYYs to highlight the names and usernames of outlets that echo Russian propaganda, in order to let 3rd-party observers know what they're dealing with.
Propaganda Flagger Plugin
NEW: PropOrNot Chrome browser extension BETA v0.0.6 highlights links to Russian propaganda sites while browsing!

About Us
PropOrNot is an independent team of concerned American citizens with a wide range of backgrounds and expertise, including professional experience in computer science, statistics, public policy, and national security affairs. We are currently volunteering time and skills to identify propaganda - particularly Russian propaganda - targeting a U.S. audience. We collect public-record information connecting propaganda outlets to each other and their coordinators abroad, analyze what we find, act as a central repository and point of reference for related information, and organize efforts to oppose it.
We formed PropOrNot as an effort to prevent propaganda from distorting U.S. political and policy discussions. We hope to strengthen our cultural immune systems against hostile influence and improve public discourse generally. However, our immediate aim at this point is to empower the American voter and decrease the ability of Russia to influence the ensuing American election.
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